Saturday, July 31, 2010

Making Magic!

Did you know that if you put the right words together in the right way magic happens? I've heard that if a reader laughs or cries over a story I'd written that I'd gotten my point across. I created emotion. Not that I enjoy seeing people cry but if they do, it is good because I moved them.

When words are put together in an affective manner, people make decisions or take action. In the marketing world, the company or business wants the consumer who reads, to buy, to invest.

Words do make magic because they cause things to happen. The burden lies with the content creator, the writer the concept creator. There are some keys to make magic happen with words.

The writer must know who the audience is, what they are looking for, what they need and what moves them. Don't laugh, you will not know every single person who reads what you write. Again, I say you need to know the audience. If writing about vacation destinations, your audience is interested in beauty, comfort, quiet and relaxation, and probably a reasonable price. So what are you going to write about the condo rental on the Grand Bahama?

You write a picture of beauty (visual). Then you write a feeling of softness and ease (kinesthetic). Thirdly you write sounds such as the waves crashing on the beach, the sea gulls calling in the early morning (auditory). Fourth, you write from the aspect of money, the thing that motivates or de-motivates us much of the time. Write up the price options, and the reasons for the prices, high and low.

The reader needs to be motivated to act. The heart and soul you lay on the page in the form of words can do that.

Friday, July 30, 2010

What's Your Message?

In today's recession charged environment, business must be specific and persistent in giving their message out in whatever means is needed. The days of easy come and easy go on the business front may not return as they were in the ".com" days. However, business is there but our marketing tactics must change in order to find it.

How do you advertise your business? Where do you advertise your skills? When do you contact potential clients? Every business and company will probably have a different answer to those questions but there is one common denominator. "Words" You always have to use the craft of language to get your message out in front of the people.

The online advertising is growing by leaps and bounds because of Face Book, Blogs (like this one), email, Twitter and websites. Marketing is using a term that is going to be on the topic list in every board room and in every online conference meeting. The word is "branding" or better yet, "cohesive branding". A subsequent blog will discussing this concept in more detail.

But in a few words, branding is to "code" yourself with the name of your company in every social networking market where you are present. That way people will get to know you and eventually see you everywhere. Make it a priority to brand yourself with specificity and consistence. And remember, it's always down with the powerful words you use.

Contact Royal Tech Writers for all your content writing needs.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Content Designed for You

I started my technical writing company 15 years ago writing my first continuing education course on "Farm and Ranch Insurance." I poured over volumes and volumes of books to find enough information for a topic I knew very little about.

Today in 2010, I sit at my computer and surf through web page after web page and have at my finger tips more information that I can manage. The clients who were wanting 100 to 150 page manuals with a bank of 150 questions, now need me to write web page of 100 words or so and other clients need for me to do daily postings on their blog rich with key words.

The environment has changed from paper and text intensive to key words, blogs and Twitter. Instead of question a client if they have seen a company catalog of product review the question today is, "Did you get my tweet about the new plug-in for that software?"

I've prided myself in developing custom courses, etc for my clients. That is still my pride. Customization has changed to being "green". Table of content is not the watchword rather the question is "...can you develop a "green product" for us?"

My pride is still custom and we can even go green. We can write what you need for your company's success. We can maintain a daily blog for you; we can tie all the social networking mechanism together in order to place you at the top of your game.

Find more about our company at